With a simple, yet elegantly interwoven storyline, SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE entertains with comedy, emotion, and the subtle brilliance of David Schimmer.
Following a clique of high school friends around their 10 year reunion, the film takes up complex issues that include personal success, fleeting popularity, the loneliness and confusion of adulthood, and mixes them with 'kick me' signs, re-kindled romance, and an 80's cover band.
Familiar and unfamiliar actors give several perfectly nuanced and superb performances that add an unforgettable quaintness to the film. (In fact, these are the only major roles for main characters Heidi Stillman, Thom Cox, and David Catlin.) Cameos by John Stewart, Molly Ringwald, Marisa Tomei, a post-plastic surgery Jennifer Grey, and Schwimmer's mom also add to the light-hearted humor.
Between directing this film, his performance in KISSING A FOOL and his role in BAND OF BROTHERS, it's apparent that Schwimmer is nothing short of a genius (a fact recognized only by a handful of people, including Larry David).
A must own film.