- [last lines]
- Rose Earl: Michael. I've been thinking about what you told me about Bobby being my favourite. Let me explain something to you. If you ask a mother which of her children she loves the most, she'll probably tell you that she loves each one equally, but differently. And she'll also tell you that whichever one needs her the most, at the time, will seem to get the most love. And all this time, you thought that I loved Bobby more than I love you. Bobby needed a firmer hand. He was a thoroughbred and he needed guidance. But you... you've always been my... my strong son. My wise son. Don't you think, not for one single second... that you are less worthy. Because I couldn't have dreamed up a better son. And Bobby could never have dreamed up a better brother.
- [mother and son embrace]
- Rose Earl: Would you like a steak?
- Michael Earl: [laughs] You gonna throw in some scalloped potatoes?
- Rose Earl: Yeah. Just for you.
- [mother and son retreat into the house before the scene is replaced with one from the past. Young Michael and young Bobby appear from the same house. Bobby has an orthopaedic brace on one leg while both boys have baseball bats]
- Young Michael: Come on, Bobby. You can do it. Shall I help you down the steps? Watch your leg.
- Young Bobby: Okay.
- Young Michael: Here's the bat.
- Young Bobby: Okay, I'll take it from here.
- [Bobby uses both of the baseball bats to walk into the street]