This two-season, twenty-something episode series that combines live action with green screen backgrounds and follows the adventures of World War II RAF Agent Major Alvega (Ricardo Carriço) as he goes up against the hilarious yet sinister SS Coronel Helmut Von Block (António Cordeiro) and tries to woo the loyalty-torn Fraülein Helga Schmidt, in inspired and thrilling sequences of action, humor, and WWII-style romance.
Trying to spot all the James Bond references (the recurring character of Miss Makelove the secretary is a dead ringer, for one...) is nearly impossible but makes "Major Alvega" all the more fun of a show to watch! Another high point, and one I personally treasure quite a lot, is that every episode opens and closes with a narration by legendary BBC Radio narrator Fernando Pessa, who passed away a few years ago but left very fond memories in our hearts, both through his phenomenal voice, his unique gift for storytelling, and his one-of-a-kind personality. His calling the Nazi dictator "Mr. Hitler", with the "Mr." in an hesitating manner, really shows how good he was at acting with his voice.
All in all, one of the best series ever to come out of Portuguese TV.