Sylvester Stallone credited as playing...
- Weaver: Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get in for talking about for even talkin' about impersonation' a soldier? You can get in trouble just for listening to someone talkin' about impersonatin' a soldier.
- [Everyone who was listening in pretends to fall back asleep]
- Z: Why'd I have to be born a worker? You soldiers get all the glory. Plus, you get to go out in the world. You know, you meet interesting insects; you get to kill them.
- Weaver: Yeah, but you get to spend all day with those beautiful worker girls.
- Z: Weaver, they're CAREER girls. They're obsessed with digging.
- [Weaver gets punched by one of Mandible's guards]
- General Mandible: That's enough.
- Weaver: I ain't telling you nothing.
- General Mandible: Soldier, the princess is vital to the future of this colony. She must be returned to take their place as queen.
- Weaver: We already have the queen.
- General Mandible: As for your friend, Z, why should I hurt him?
- [chuckles]
- General Mandible: He's not important. Now, soldier, we all know that one individual ant doesn't matter. Not you. Not Cutter.
- [the door opens while the guards taking Azteca]
- General Mandible: Not even her.
- Weaver: [turns to her] Azteca!
- [runs to her, the guards grabs his shoulder and turns him back]
- Azteca: Don't tell that tight ass anything, Weaver.
- [the guards grab her]
- General Mandible: Where is Z?
- Weaver: I don't know where he is.
- General Mandible: Hmm. That's too bad.
- [He leaves and the guards grabbing Azteca]
- Weaver: Wait! Insectopia. I know it sounds crazy, but that's where he'd be going.
- Colonel Cutter: Soldier, you think this is a game? Insectopia does not exist.
- General Mandible: As a matter of fact, it does.
- Colonel Cutter: Sir?
- General Mandible: I'll brief you on the coordinates. You're gonna bring the princess back. And as for Z, kill him.
- Weaver: But, you said he didn't matter.
- General Mandible: It's for the good of the colony. You made the right decision. Gentlemen, now you can see how dangerous individualism can be. It makes us vulnerable.
- [Weaver turns to Azteca, sadly. She sadly to him. The guards took her and the door closes]
- General Mandible: Take him back to the Mega Tunnel. Put him on the front line. Dismissed.
- [He leaves. The guards are taking Weaver to the mega tunnel]