Matthew McConaughey credited as playing...
Willis Newton
- Brentwood Glasscock: Chief is one of the Osage millionaires.
- Waiter: Last year they wouldn't even let him in, but uh, policy's changed.
- Willis Newton: Oh, yeah. Why's that?
- Waiter: He bought the place.
- Louise: I thought you said you didn't smoke.
- Willis Newton: I didn't say I didn't smoke, I said it's a waste of time.
- Willis Newton: I guess you're right, brother Jess. We Newtons ain't cut out for the wrong side of the law.
- Willis Newton: Insurance companies. See, all the banks is insured now, and that's who takes the loss. And hell, they're the biggest crooks of 'em all. We are just little thieves stealing from the big thieves, that's all.