May Warden credited as playing...
Miss Sophie
- [last lines]
- James: By the way... Same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?
- Miss Sophie: Same procedure as every year, James.
- James: [hesitates] Well, I'll do my very best!
- [They rush up the stairs to the bedroom]
- [at the end of the dinner]
- Miss Sophie (starting to rise): I think I'll retire.
- James: Are you going to bed? Sit down, Madam, I'll help you up!
- [after having served the second round of drinks, the alcohol is starting to take effect on James]
- Miss Sophie: Mr Winterbottom?
- James: [somewhat slurring] Well, here we are again old love, here's to me and thee...
- [James goes to drink but stops suddenly]
- James: By gum... you look younger than ever, love. Younger than ever!
- [James cackles cheekily then downs Mr Winterbottom's drink]
- Miss Sophie: Sir Toby?
- James: [rough voice] Cheerio, Miss Sophie!
- [James downs Sir Toby's drink then moves to Admiral von Schneider's seat]
- Miss Sophie: Admiral von Schneider?
- James: [reluctantly] Must I say it this year, Miss Sophie?
- Miss Sophie: [insistently] Just to please me, James.
- James: [nodding] Just to please you, very good, yes.
- [James grabs von Schneider's cup]
- James: [German accent] Scholl!
- [James clicks his heels, winces, downs von Schneider's drink, then moves to Mr Pommeroy's seat]
- Miss Sophie: Mr Pommeroy?
- James: [high-pitched bubbly voice] Happy New Year, Sophie girl!
- [James downs Mr Pommeroy's drink, then moves to Mr Winterbottom's seat]
- Miss Sophie: And dear Mr Winterbottom.
- James: [fast-paced Yorkshire accent] Well, here we are again, old love. Here's to me and thee, lass.