This was one of the funniest programs I had ever seen, with delightful characters. Filmed on a stage, the dialogue was quick zingers and the major performers never missed a beat. When Herr Zangler leaves his two employees, Weinberl and Christopher, in charge of his store to visit his beloved in Vienna, they take advantage of his absence to go spelunking in Vienna as well. Lo and behold, Zangler must pursue his young ward, Marie, who has run off with her beau, and a near meeting with their boss causes Weinberl and Christopher to duck into a seemingly harmless dress shop. It is from there there chaos begins with an incredible case of mistaken identity the likes of which I have never seen before. One might think why worry about it the way they did, but this was the ninteenth century and proper etiquette was followed. Nevertheless, the events in that dress shop are too hilarious. Weinberl: "You might find me a little forward." Frau Fischer: "A little forward? You should meet yourself coming back."
Further encounters with an elderly woman, Madame Knorr, just add to the hilarity, especially from Harold Innocent as the scene stealing coachman, when he talks about the horses buttocks, . . . . ! And then the coachman takes off with Lisett, the French maid.
Thrown into all of this is the young assistant of Zangler, Sonders, played by Peter Borke. Sonders realized what all had happened, but Zangler wouldn't believe him. Sonders had his own catch phrase "Classic!"
To make things even more amusing or confusing, the part of Christopher was played by Felicity Kendal, extremely well too.
There were moments that were just too coincidental, and they occur to often, such as Fischer and Weinberl having been pen pals and not knowing it, Fischer's late husband being the man Knorr had fallen for and one or two more, but these are extremely easy to overlook, as they are focused on at very minor times.
All in all, this thing was a laugh from beginning to the end.