Ruan-Feng Su credited as playing...
King Horn
- King Horn: Give me the Pearl, or I'll kill him!
- Son Gohan: Don't give it to him, if you do we all die! Go!
- Son Goku: Master, please give him the Pearl, or he'll kill Grandpa! Please!
- Turtle Man: But your grandpa's right, if I give him the Dragon Pearl we'll all die anyway!
- Jen-Jen's father: Who are you?
- King Horn: I'm King Horn! I want the Dragon Pearl!
- Jen-Jen's father: The Dragon Pearl belongs to us, you can't have it!
- King Horn: [laughs] I always get what I want! Nobody has been able to stop me!
- King Horn: Altogether, there are only seven Dragon Pearls... and now I already possess two of them! Now, when I finally get all of the seven Pearls together, a light will explode right in the middle of Heaven. Then the magic dragon will appear, and when that happens, the whole of the heavens and even the whole universe will be under my control!
- Malilia: My lord, so where are the other five Pearls?
- King Horn: I don't know exactly where they are, but we'll find them. One thing I do know is that one of them may well be in the East. I have heard that deep inside a forest there lives a man by the name of Sparkle. Rumor has it that he possesses a four-star Dragon Pearl. Maililia, Zebrata! I want you to go get that Pearl for me!