2 reviews
Given the proper state of mind, this is one hell of a film for the trash cinema fan. Passable kung fu, ghosts, a flying red ball that deliver horrible, horrible death, and a 30 minute comedy interlude that comes out of nowhere. There was also a zombie in there somewhere, but I CANNOT GUARANTEE IT. Surprisingly gore-filled and they don't skimp on the nudity either. Makes for a pleasant evening with like-minded friends. Double Bill it with: "Story of Ricky". Consider: Is the "Red Ball" the prototype for Phantasm's flying ball? Notice: music ripped straight outta "Master of the Flying Guillotine".
Definitely the single most hilarious kung fu movie ever EVER made. I LOOOOOVE this flick! Ridiculous FX, nonsensical and convoluted plotlines, and the dialogue - oh my. Watch for the deadly flying heart, the excorcism scene -- well, really, every scene is brilliant. This is a must-see for fans of low-budget unintentionally comical kung fu flicks. 10/10