This AIP war movie is a genre for which I have a very simplistic method of rating: I count the number of muzzle flashes displayed in it, and note something about their beauty. I do not expect realism, good acting, proper tactics, or even much plot. I sit back, watch the action, and enjoy myself. I do a lot of laughing, but that's what I expect and I get a good time out of it.
As for details, this film had 884 muzzle flashes, which makes it a solid 6-star movie on my scale (8 stars is max, and no actual film has ever achieved that--it takes 3200 flashes to do that). There are about 20 films that have achieved the 6-star rating or higher, but what sets this one apart is that about half of the flashes (almost 400) happen in the very first 5 minutes of the movie (and the action is at night). The flames are quite spectacular.
The plot (such as it is) has several interesting twists that I found unexpected and, therefore, interesting.