Neil Patrick Harris credited as playing...
Arnold Mosk
- Arnold Mosk: Okay, what do you do when you want to escape?
- Dr. Rankin: Go to a movie.
- Arnold Mosk: But that's a two-dimensional experience.
- Dr. Rankin: What do you mean?
- Arnold Mosk: I mean, you see it and you hear it but you don't really experience it. When I experience something, I wanna feel it with all my senses.
- Dr. Rankin: Even at the expense of your health?
- Gary Trancer: Listen, I wanna talk to you about something... later. Maybe I could stop by... after practice or something?
- Arnold Mosk: Why not? We'll have milk and cookies.
- Gary Trancer: [missing the sarcasm, or ignoring it] Okay. Great.
- Arnold Mosk: My blood in YOUR mouth? No, I don't think so. I think it's gonna be more like little fuckin' pieces of your brain in my hand.