Romeo, of the House of Capulets, and Juliet, of the House of Montagues, scorn the family feud of years, and love each other with all the fervor of Veronian youths. The ardent wooer sings his... Read allRomeo, of the House of Capulets, and Juliet, of the House of Montagues, scorn the family feud of years, and love each other with all the fervor of Veronian youths. The ardent wooer sings his love beneath his lady's window while the stars wink their approval of the lovers' happine... Read allRomeo, of the House of Capulets, and Juliet, of the House of Montagues, scorn the family feud of years, and love each other with all the fervor of Veronian youths. The ardent wooer sings his love beneath his lady's window while the stars wink their approval of the lovers' happiness. Juliet's father urges her marriage to Tybalt, a man of his choosing, but Romeo determi... Read all