This was the second to last of a quartet of films, unofficially known as the 'House Quartet', that were made in Italy in 1989. Having seen Lucio Fulci's two efforts - the good House of Clocks and the pretty terrible Sweet House of Horrors - I wasn't going into this one with much hope. It would seem that Lenzi's two efforts in this series aren't as well watched as Fulci's, and based on the strength of this film - it's not hard to see why. Umberto Lenzi definitely had the ability to make good films - his crime flicks are second to none, and most of his Giallo output was pretty good, but towards the end of his career he didn't seem to care much, and this is one of his careless efforts. The film was made for TV, and this is made obvious through the plot, which is entirely mundane and basically follows a man who travels to a house after suffering loads of nightmares. The film doesn't have much going for it; the cinematography is bland, the acting is nothing to write home about and the story didn't deserve a film to be based on it. Here in the UK, this film has a release by the cheapo DVD label 'Vipco' - and it completely fits into their little series as it's such a 'bare bones' film. Overall - not recommended!