I originally saw CAUGHT IN THE CAN as a short subject excerpt on the tail-end of one of Something Weird's videos. More recently I caught up with the full feature uncut from Alpha Bue Archives, and unfortunately the short was better.
Gag is straight out of BOSOM BUDDIES, but porno division. (Too bad Tom Hanks isn't old enough to have started out his career in soft-core movies.) Gerard Broulard and Ron Darby are in need of cash to pay the rent and devise a harebrained scheme to dress as femme whores, entice some sailors and then roll them. They could have saved some bread on costumes and shot this as gay porn instead.
Only moments after they station themselves on a street corner the police arrest them and take them to the hoosegow. Rest of the film is repetitive and deadly dull (especially since this was made pre-XXX). The ruse of being women lasts for longer than is credible and their humping the 3 other women in their cell, plus busty (and deadpan) jail matron Linda Vroom is yawnsville.
The only gag I found amusing was when the guys signed in at jail, with Darby announcing he's Alice Friedland, which is strictly an inside reference to then-busy soft-core actress of the same name. In retrospect we get it because she has been rediscovered (by ABA), her tribute DVD issued in the same release as this film's package devoted to Casey Lorraine. Casey appears as one of the femme prisoners, but makes little impact this time out.