1 review
The Cabin Kids help Betty Treadville win the first prize at the cooking event, mostly by sabotaging the competition. They do sing a couple of songs, and Tom Emerson and his washboard band sing another.
The Cabin Kids were the children of Mrs. Beatrice Hall. They sang close harmony. From 1935 through 1938 they appeared in sixteen movies. Sometimes they were a specialty act in a feature. More often, as her,e they were the major stars in a short film for Educational Pictures.
Modern viewers of this picture will be offended by Miss Treadville being called "Mammy" and her Aunt-Jemima look and talk.
The Cabin Kids were the children of Mrs. Beatrice Hall. They sang close harmony. From 1935 through 1938 they appeared in sixteen movies. Sometimes they were a specialty act in a feature. More often, as her,e they were the major stars in a short film for Educational Pictures.
Modern viewers of this picture will be offended by Miss Treadville being called "Mammy" and her Aunt-Jemima look and talk.