With today the first day of Black History Month, I'd thought I'd once again review movies starring, and in some cases directed by, many people of color. We're in 1934 when Ethyl Waters has made a short meant for segregated theatres. She plays the wife of a man who is lazy with a capital L and has various relatives that are living with them who are the same. There's also a fake swami (Frank L. Wilson) and a "rich" uncle involved. I'll stop there and just say I was partially amused and partially cringing during the whole thing but the four songs that are performed are quite good like "Darkies Never Dream" by Ms. Waters (despite the politically incorrect title) and "Hang Your Hat in a Harlem Flat" sung by four more visiting relatives called the Southernaires Quartet. In summation, Bubbling Over is worth a look for anyone curious about these obscure films featuring some icons. By the way, Hamtree Harrington is listed on this site as playing lazy husband Samson but on Wikipedia it's as his uncle Presbee.