This movie essentially is a "Romeo and Juliet" in a current German middle-class suburb with a humorous side-plot describing the war between two neighbors. It's supposed to be funny but actually it's offering the worst kind of flat, narrow-minded, stupid humor I've ever had to watch. Everything in this movie (except the one second of genuine humor involving a cat) is predictable, boring, and not even remotely funny. A typical scene: Wife (to husband): "I have a lover.". Cut. Closeup to wife's face with a black eye. Cool humor, huh? Not. The acting ranges from acceptable to the deepest "daily soap" level, but I guess even good actors wouldn't stand a chance against a script like this. Of the 5000 seconds of my life this movie has stolen I enjoyed one, had to smile for three others, and was bored, annoyed and offended by the other 4996. And I thought "Repossessed" was bad comedy. I had no idea...