It is hard for me to think of a TV program which I considered to have finished at the right time, the majority no matter how good they are out stay their welcome, while a few go too quickly. However I can honestly say that Heat of the Sun is the most depressing example of the later I have come across in a long time.
This series has its faults: Historical and continuity inaccuracies that only the nick picking would notice, an over sentimental last episode and a few wayward performances. But at its heart this is a decently written and well acted period detective drama. Not only that, compared to almost all of British television's recent detective dramas it is refreshing, both in its unique period setting and the fact that it's detective is for all intense purposes mentally stable.
And so it is for the above reasons that I believe this series deserved more than three episodes. It had places to go and stories still to tell and it is just another example of some of the poor decision making that has been going on at ITV over the last couple of decades! For at the end of the day Waking the Dead is a great series (as to lesser extents so are some of its ITV replicas) but I would have much preferred to have swap a few series of Boyd for a handful or so more episodes of Tyburn and this forgotten and under-appreciated gem of a show.