A Good Time with a Bad Girl (1967) Poster

Susan Evans: Susan


  • Susan : [Just picked up, in a car]  This air conditioning is groovy.

  • John Cabot : [Voiceover]  Where I'd been dead before .. this young girl, this naïve little thing had given me the spirit to enjoy .. this child had opened a new world for me! I actually forgot how young she was.

    Susan : But I've got no place to go .. can I stay in your room - please?

    John Cabot : [Later in his hotel room; voiceover]  All of a sudden, I wanted her to stay .. I wanted to be with her; I wanted to make love to her.

  • John Cabot : What's the matter with you? ..

    Susan : You're treating me like a daughter!

    John Cabot : Well, I suppose I am.

    Susan : I'll do anything you want me to; but just treat me like a woman!

    John Cabot : Alright, from now I'll treat you like a woman.

See also

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