- Vihtori Vuorenkaiku: [swearing his bad luck] ... but today everything is going...
- Vappu Vuorenkaiku: Hush! Be quiet dad, it's no wonder, it's Friday the 13th.
- Vihtori Vuorenkaiku: In my marriage, it's always Friday the 13th!
- Vihtori Vuorenkaiku: [On his daughter's marriage plans] Marriage seems to be our family weakness. My grandfather was married and my good old daddy got married too, not speaking of me! And now my daughter tells me, that she wants to get married. Why won't human race ever get wiser?
- Klasu Tullari: I really do think you should marry the mechanic, girl; may he fix you the best he can.
- Ritva Vuorenkaiku: Your bride obviously needs a lesson.
- Peter von Schaslick: I'll be an ice-cream stick!
- Ritva Vuorenkaiku: [Later scene] ... so, the ice cream didn't melt?
- Peter von Schaslick: It was hard; but it's still frozen!
- Ritva Vuorenkaiku: Good.