This film was shot in about four weeks in July 1977.
The angry man in John's law office was played by Layne Loeffler, an alumnus of the Staunton Military Academy (film location) and at the time he owned the defunct school. He leased the property to the filmmakers for one month. He was attempting to raise funds to reopen SMA but was unsuccessful. The building featuring the entrance to the school was demolished one year after the movie was filmed, and the entire surrounding property was sold to the Mary Baldwin College.
The location for the high school was the Staunton Military Academy in Staunton, Virginia.
The drive-in restaurant where Terry eats his lunch is a real 1950s style diner called Wright's Dairy Rite in Staunton, Virginia which is still open to this day.
The church congregation was made up of local Staunton residents. The boys church choir, with the exception of Christopher and the bully, was the actual Staunton First Baptist Church Boys Choir.