1 review
The Vorna brothers arrive in a town up north.They get in trouble after they're accused of a theft and murder that happened years earlier.Now they also are accused of a gold theft.People of the town want to hang them.Villin Pohjolan Kulta (1963) is an Aarne Tarkas movie, just like the original was.The series became a trilogy, and the fourth part was also planned.The three brothers are played by the great Vili Auvinen (Kai), Helge Herala (Tommi) and Åke Lindman (Joel).Tamara Lund portrays the tough chick Karin Jäärä.Kalervo Nissilä is her father.Leo Jokela is the villain also in this part, this time the saloon keeper Kristo.Kauko Helovirta plays the bank manager Markus.Reino Helismaa is his assistant.Armas Jokio is Konna.Pentti Viljanen is Kiveliön Konsta.Risto Mäkelä plays Baarimikko.Rose-Marie Precht is Pohjolan Ruusu.Kaarlo Juurela is Mies Saluunassa.Toivo Mäkelä is Pappi.This movie is slightly better than the first part.I think it looks more like a western.And it works better as a western spoof also.The ending may look a bit cheesy to some, a bit of soap opera-like.But let's not let that matter too much.