Retelling the true crime story of former Los Angeles Raiders cheerleader and model Linda Sobek who was murdered by photographer Charles Rathburn. Combining real-life trial footage and news interviews with fictionalized recreations all told from the point of view of Sobek's spirit (Trudi Jo Marie Keck), this film definitely takes a unique way of telling the story.
However 'unique' only goes so far. The constant flash-backs, flash-forwards & splicing of real footage with acted performers is jarring and doesn't really work. Keck can't hold the film together as her acting in this film is atrocious. The editing equally bad and Newsom's directing of the whole film is rather dire. And on a nit picky note, the box cover states "Based on the True Story that shocked the Nation" while I, keeping fairly abreast of the news, haven't even heard of the case. Even when I did find out about it (through this film) and research it, I can't say I was shocked in the least. Saddened, yes. Heart gone out to the family, definitely. Shocked, not so much. This film does a great disservice to her memory though.
My Grade: D-
Where i saw it: Instant Netflix via my X-box 360