- Dr. Carl: [addressing the newly arrived prisoners] You are here for science and for the comfort of our heroic soldiers. Your life as leeching parasites on the German Reich has placed you high on the list of undesirables. However, here you will be given the opportunity to be useful to the Fatherland and the honour to be of service to its glorious pursuit of its final victory. You will find that you'll be expected to show your gratitude with your complete and immediate obedience to orders. Hesitation or refusal to perform any task assigned to you will be considered a rebellious act and appropriate punishment will follow. Proceed, Kapo.
- Lt. Hans: These are calculations of our experts: every prisoner has an average lifespan of nine months. And when rented to factories at a price of six Marks a day, less the cost of room, board and clothing, yields a profit of five Marks sixty five, for a total of 1500 Marks each. This is without calculating the gold from their teeth, their hair, their money, valuable objects and the clothing they were wearing at the time of their arrest. And to the foregoing, we can also add what we can get from using their ashes in fertiliser.