Terrence 'T.C.' Carson credited as playing...
- Seaman Anthony Mazzola: [reminiscing about a date] Anyway, I can see I'm not gettin' anywhere with her. So what I do is, I use my secret weapon. I tell her about the S-26. Does the trick right away.
- Eddie: Now, you don't wanna be talkin' about that while we're underway!
- Seaman Ted 'Trigger' Fitzgerald: Why, what happened to the S-26?
- Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: Yeah, what happened?
- Seaman Anthony Mazzola: You guys don't know?
- Seaman Ted 'Trigger' Fitzgerald, Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: No.
- Seaman Anthony Mazzola: [taking an egg from Eddie's tray] She was runnin' a test dive down off Norfolk. Shaft seal failed, and she sunk to 400 feet. Know how much water pressure there is that deep?
- [Crushes the egg with one hand; Rabbit flinches]
- Eddie: Mazzola, you wanna be the first one to eat powdered eggs on this cruise? Keep it up, man.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: [whispering] Tank, you alive back there?
- Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: Yes, sir.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Good. Port ahead two-thirds.
- Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: Port ahead two-thirds. Aye, sir.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: [pulls out paper] Tank... can you fix the stern tube?
- Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: I don't know, Mr. Tyler.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: I don't want an "I don't know." Can you fix the torpedo tube? Yes... or no?
- Seaman Charles 'Tank' Clemens: Yes, sir. I think I can.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Thank you, Tank. Chief, make depth 1-6-0 meters.
- Chief Klough: That's more than five hundred feet.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Take us down, Chief.
- Chief Klough: Aye, sir. One-six-zero meters. Twenty degrees dive both planes.
- Eddie, Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, Torpedoman: Twenty degrees dive, aye, sir.
- Eddie: Mr. Tyler, sir, uh, do you plan on going up against a destroyer with only one fish in the tube and busted motor?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Yes, I am, Eddie.
- Lt. Hirsch: How wise is that, Lieutenant?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Not very. But have a look. Chief.
- [while speaking, drawing and showing Chief and Hirsch plan on paper]
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: There is no way a two-knot submarine can get in firing position against a thirty-knot destroyer unless we go deep. At one hundred sixty meters, we can shoot out a bunch of junk from the forward tubes. It will resurface and create a debris field. Now the destroyer's going to go to the center of that debris field, shut off its engines to make it real nice and quiet and do an acoustic search to make sure we're dead. But we're not. See, we're here, on our way up to periscope depth. All right, principle of ascent velocity. We let our positive buoyancy pull us up and away from the destroyer. And when we surface we'll be showing it our ass at seven hundred yards. That is a pefect setup for a stern shot on a stationary target. Boom. It don't get much prettier than that.
- Chief Klough: All right, Mr. Tyler. Passing 1-3-0 meters.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Very well. Rabbit, I need you to load Mazzola's body into tube three and put an escape jacket on him to make sure he floats.
- Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, Torpedoman: Wanna shoot him out like garbage?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: [pause; slowly turns around] His body is gonna save our lives.
- Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, Torpedoman: I'll say a few words for him.