- [last lines]
- Peejoe: I learned a lot of secrets that summer: you can bury freedom but you can't kill it. Taylor Jackson died for freedom. Aunt Lucille had to kill to get it. Life and death are only temporary but freedom goes on forever.
- Lucille: There are a lot of ways you can kill a person. There are fast ways, and there are slow ways. Chester was killin' me the slow way for thirteen years.
- Chester Vinson's Voice: [as Lucille heads to the Golden Gate bridge to rid herself of Chester forever] C'mon, Lucille! You can't do this! You need me!
- Lucille: [quietly] That was true once, but not anymore.
- Peejoe: Uncle Dove, do you really think Aunt Lucille stole that car?
- Dove Bullis: Absolutely. Baby sister wants a car, she's gonna get one!
- Peejoe: You could drive by today and never know there was a pool there at all but I know the secret. There's water trapped underneath all that cement, three inches of water as blue as Lucille's eyes.
- Lucille: [Norman suddenly drives up as Lucille leaves a party] Norman, did you follow me to that party?
- Norman the Chauffeur: [smiling] Oh, yes, ma'am.