Robbie Coltrane credited as playing...
Valentin Zukovsky
- James Bond: What business do you have with Elektra King?
- Zukovsky: I thought it was *you* who was giving her the business.
- [Zukovzky fixes the "Zukovsky's Finest" logo on his office door]
- Zukovsky: There's nothing in this place straight.
- [Zukovsky opens the door and is shocked to see Christmas sitting on a couch in his office]
- Zukovsky: Who are you, and how did you get in? I'll call security and congratulate them. Drink?
- [the office door moves back, and Bond appears holding a guy at gunpoint]
- Zukovsky: Can't you just say a hello, like a normal person?
- James Bond: [to guy] Get lost.
- [the guy heads moves towards the door, and Bond grabs him by the shirt collar]
- James Bond: [to guy] No, no, no, no, no. Down the back!
- [to Zukovsky]
- James Bond: What's your business with Elektra King?
- Zukovsky: I thought you were the one giving her the business.
- [Bond points his gun at Zukovsky and walks towards him. Zukovsky walks backwards towards the wall]
- James Bond: She drops a million dollars in your casino and you don't even blink an eye! What's she paying you off for?
- Zukovsky: [to Chistmas] You know, if I were you, a relationship with a man like that, I wouldn't bet on it.
- [Bond tackles Zukovsky and shoves him back into a wall-mounted shelf full of caviar. At that moment, the sound of helicopters surround the skies over the caviar factory]
- Zukovsky: Five thousand dollars of Beluga, ruined!
- James Bond: That's nothing compared to what a twenty megaton nuclear bomb can do!
- Zukovsky: What are you talking about?
- Dr. Christmas Jones: We had a nuclear bomb stolen this morning!
- James Bond: Renard and Elektra King are working together!
- Zukovsky: I didn't know!
- James Bond: Well, what do you know?
- Zukovsky: I'm looking for a submarine. It's big and black, and the driver is a very good friend of mine.
- Zukovsky: [sees captain hat] Bring it to me!
- Elektra King: [takes hat] What a shame, he's just gone.
- [Shoots Zukovsky]
- [Holding Bull at gunpoint, Bond enters the casino office and finds Zukovsky with two women]
- Zukovsky: Bond, James Bond! Meet Nina and Verushka.
- James Bond: Lose the girls, Valentin. We need to talk.
- Zukovsky: Why am I suddenly worried that I am not carrying enough insurance, huh? Chill out, James!
- [Bond jabs his gun into Bull's chest]
- Zukovsky: Fine, ladies. Go on, beat it. Scram. Bull, give them an inch.
- [Bull gives each woman a bundle of cash, and the three of them start to leave]
- Zukovsky: And make sure they lose it in this casino, huh?
- Bull: I'll see you later, Mr. Bond.
- James Bond: [sees Bull has a mouthful of gold teeth] I see you put your money where your mouth is.
- Zukovsky: Mr. Bullion does not trust banks.
- Zukovsky: Bond! James Bond! Meet Nina and Verushka.
- James Bond: Loose the girls, Valentin. We need to talk.
- Zukovsky: Why am I suddenly worried that I'm not carrying enough insurance? Chill out, James. Fine, ladies. Go on. Beat it. Scram.
- Zukovsky: So, what's it to be? Vingt et un? Blackjack? You're father's favorite?
- Elektra King: Let's keep it simple. One card. High draw. A million dollars.
- Zukovsky: Always something. First the casino. Now the caviar factory. I am a slave to the free-market economy.
- Zukovsky: This used to be the KGB's Istanbul safe house. Now it's FSB - Federal Security Bureau. Same old friendly service with a new name.