Fri, Sep 4, 1998
Sometimes weird things happen to people. Just ask Jake. He might tell you about the night he and his friends saw the strange light in the sky. He may even tell you what happened when they realized the "light" was only a plane... from another planet. Here's where Jake's story gets a little weird. It's where they're told that the human race is under attack, and given the chance to fight back. Now Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias, and Marco have the power to morph into any animal they choose. And they must use that power to outsmart an evil greater than anything the world has ever seen.
Fri, Sep 11, 1998
Sometimes weird things happen to people. Ask Jake. He might tell you about the night he and his friends saw the strange light in the sky. He may even tell you what happened when they realized the "light" was only a plane... from another planet. Here's where Jake's story gets a little weird. It's where they're told that the human race is under attack, and given the chance to fight back. Now Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Tobias, and Marco have the power to morph into any animal they choose. And they must use that power to outsmart an evil greater than anything that world has ever seen.
Tue, Sep 22, 1998
The Animorphs try out the disk, but nothing happens. Jake and Marco realize that someone very close to Jake is a Controller. The Controller turns out to be Jake's brother, Tom. Jake wants his brother back, and he'll do anything to do it. They tried morphing out into ferocious animals from the clinic that Cassie's mother works in. Jake acquires a tiger and Rachel acquires a lion. They use it to try and free all of the humans in the Yeerk Pool located under the school. Their attempt ended with no free humans, without Tom, Tobias was gone (probably captured by the Yeerks), and the disk was lost.
Tue, Sep 29, 1998
The Andalite disk is still lost and the Yeerks wish to barter for it: they will trade the disk for an Andalite. Jake and Marco trick a Controller into capturing an actual animal, and think they've gotten away with the disk clean. Meanwhile, the Sharing moves forward with its plans to harvest more Controllers, and the compromise over the disk turns out to be a trap. Hopefully, the Animorphs will be able to outsmart the Controllers.
Tue, Oct 6, 1998
It is now certain that Tobias is stuck in morph. Rachel decides to rescue Melissa Chapman, who is about to be infested by the Yeerks. However, her father is an important controller himself, and Rachel is caught in cat morph and taken to Visser Three. The Animorphs have to rescue Rachel and make a decision to not endanger themselves recklessly.
Tue, Oct 20, 1998
The Animorphs discover that a certain type of oatmeal is a stimulant to the Yeerks, and they are unable to control their hosts' actions. However, the usage of this "drug" also affects the hosts, but the Animorphs know they must use this advantage to inflict some serious damage upon the Yeerk pool.
Sun, Jan 10, 1999
Jake's father is almost ready to open the Health Wellness Center, a division of the hospital he works at. At dinner, Jake found out that Victor Trent (also known as Visser Three) is a partner of his dad's in the creation of the health clinic. Jake went to help his dad, and there was a lot of security, but he had to leave. The Animorphs investigate why they had lots of security - the infestation of the governor. Ax scans Marco's video card to respond to all human codes. The Animorphs enter the building as roaches, and searches for the Yeerk Pool. Once they find it, they destroy the Yeerk Pool in a room and Jake falls into the pool. The Animorphs do not know that Jake is a Controller when they leave.
Sun, Jan 10, 1999
After the Animorphs successfully emptied the Yeerk pool, Ax alerts the group that Jake is a Controller. The Animorphs have to now tie Jake up for three days to starve his Yeerk from Kadrona Rays. Jake and the Yeerk battle it out mentally to see who is the strongest while the other Animorphs have to keep "Jake" from morphing to escape their grasp.
Tue, Nov 17, 1998
After Cassie and Rachel save a boy from a crocodile pit, Cassie begins to lose control of her morphing ability, the result of an allergic reaction to the crocodile DNA. Meanwhile, Cassie has been invited to the Larry and Linda Show where the famous star, Jason Jon McCole is also a guest talking about The Sharing. The Animorphs must find a way to stop Jason Jon McCole before millions of rabid female JJM fans decide to join The Sharing.
Fri, Nov 20, 1998
Rachel's amnesia causes her to forget everything she knows, including everything about being an Animorph, and the battle against the Yeerks. She unknowingly wanders into a human-Controller infested area and is about to be taken by the Yeerks. Marco, Jake, and Cassie have to not only save her, but restore her memory.
Sun, Feb 7, 1999
Jake finds out that Visser One will be at the EGS Tower, where the Yeerk Kandrona is. Now, the Animorphs need a way to get in and destroy it. However, Vissser Three places a morphing detector inside the tower; Jake and Marco get captured and taken to the Yeerk mother ship via a spacecraft. When Jake and Marco escape and search for a way off the ship, they discover a terrible secret: Marco's mother lives, in the form of Visser One.
Fri, Feb 12, 1999
Cassie and Rachel are able to break the Kandrona, and escape to Cassie's barn. Marco, very reluctantly, and Jake find a way to escape the Yeerk Mother ship. They hijack a Yeerk blade ship, and with the aid of Ax, they are guided back to Earth. Now the Animorphs discover that a new enemy has been revealed.
Sun, Jan 17, 1999
Ax has created a device that allows an individual to relive their most cherished memories. Tobias uses it to relive his pre-Animorph life. He relives meeting Rachel and first acquiring animal DNA. Likewise, Ax gets a taste of reliving his days. Tobias remembers how awkward Ax was at first when he became human.
Sun, Feb 21, 1999
The Animorphs discover that the Yeerks don't have enough Kandrona Rays, so a lot of Controllers are getting sick, like Tom. One of the Controllers is science teacher, Mr. Perkins, who is now on a crusade to free other Controllers. Marco, Jake and Mr. Perkins are all on a hunt to save Tom, but he escapes. Tom comes back and tries to capture Mr. Perkins, but Jake as a tiger, and Marco as a wolf come to his rescue. Later, Jake and Mr. Perkins talk about how they will help each other in the future.