(1977) Crazy Desires of a Murderer/ I vizi morbosi di una governante
(In Italian with English subtitles)
It has one of those odd introductions with someone viewers are unable make out other than his already bloody hands coming straight toward someone. A phone rings with the baron, De Chablais (Stuart Brisbane Colin) displeasure speaking with his teenage daughter, Ileana De Chablais (Isabelle Marchal) informing her dad ahead of time she has invited a few friends of hers. Meanwhile, Pierluigi La Rocca (Claudio Peticchio) is trying to make a drug deal with two goons on his case, and they are giving him a week to pay up. And it is during then we get to see Illeana's friends she has invited to stay with them who are Frank Hoffman (Giuseppe Colombo) who is a doctor to which the baron knows his dad; Elsa Leiter (Patrizia Gori), Gretel Schanz (Adler Gray); the drug dealer, Pierluigi La Rocca (Claudio Peticchio) with his friend, Bobby Jelson (Gaetano Russo). Living with the baron in the castle are housemaid, Berta (Anie Edel) and servant, Hans (Hugh Denis) . And it was not until the movie is progressing we find out there is a third person, a young man who became a mute, Leonardo (Roberto Zattin) who appear to be already been scarred as a result of the death of his mother. Leonardo loves down below them near the wine cellar that was supposed to staying in a room all to himself. He appears to be the character viewers saw at the opening with the bloody hand as it turns out he is a taxidermist, the reason why his hands are bloody at all times. When one of the guest's are killed after making out with one of the other friends, the detectives are then called and they cross examine each resident staying with them, including Leonardo. At this point all fingers point to him because when the victim was killed, her eyeballs were plucked out, and those same eyeballs eventually showed up in his dungeon room to which they could be planted there to make it appear like he did it.
Anyways, at first I was unable to get involve with watching it because the movie did some abnormal things, such as at the opening when the daughter, Illeana was speaking with his daughter on the phone. It appears that someone with bloody hands was going to attack the baron, because the way it ended their abrupt conversation was ambiguous. Illeana just kept calling out for her dad with no answer. She neither calls for authorities or anything. And then, it is like as soon as they do finally meet each other, it is as if nothing had ever happened. We find out much later that it was the brother. Viewers are also oblivious the connection between the killer and it's victims, for the drug scenario between Pierluigi and what happened has no relation with one another. Anyways, the eyeball sequence is more gross than it is scary. The poster is misleading as there are only two nude scenes throughout the entire movie of one of the guests and the maid, anyone who presume to see a ton of nudity would be disappointed.