Maria Kawamura credited as playing...
- [in sickbay, an injured Eluza comes to]
- Rumy: Eluza!
- Eluza: Rabby, I know what they're trying to do. I won't let them... I refuse...
- Rabby: Eluza, what do you mean?
- Pony: [bangs fist on control panel] There's nothing physically wrong, but her pulse and temperature are...
- [Eluza begins hyperventilating]
- Rumy: Eluza!
- Pony: I don't know what to do!
- Rabby: Catty, what happened to her?
- Catty: I don't know.
- Rabby: You don't know? You were with her, weren't you?
- Pony: [banging fists on control panel] What's wrong with her?
- Rumy: [wailing] Ezula! Eluza!