Traci Lords credited as playing...
Traci Lords
- Narrator: But what if our gate was more Artist Friendly? We'll start with the guards. Those dark uniforms connote oppression and conformity.
- [*bing!* The guards' uniforms change]
- Narrator: But new outfits, with pastel colors and high, pretty collars, seem to say, "I'm your friend, not your enemy."
- [*bing!* Buttons appear on the shirts, reading, "Universal is A-OK!"]
- Narrator: How about some inspiring buttons to show our optimism? And what about that security gate? Black and white lines may remind artists of police and fear.
- [*bing!* The gate is ridiculously decorated]
- Narrator: But a new gate, with attractive flowers and colorful birds, becomes a lovely decoration, not just a deterrent.
- [*bing!* Floral arrangements appear around the guard kiosk]
- Narrator: Now with just a few more changes...
- [*bing!* A tacky lawn ornament appears]
- Narrator: And some attractive porcelain deer, our gate is now Artist Friendly, and ready for the future. So how do you feel now, Miss Actress?
- Traci Lords: I feel welcome and relaxed for a meeting at Universal.
- [She drives off]
- Narrator: That's splendid. Too bad the part you want will probably go to Demi Moore.
- Traci Lords: [car screeches to halt] WHAT?
- Narrator: Oh, nothing. Here, have a wine cooler, compliments of your new studio.