Marko Igonda credited as playing...
- Bazda: [Bazda and Lokar are watching real life Serb General Ratko Mladic express his confidence in the Cincinnati Accords, which is aimed at keeping peace in Bosnia. All following characters are speaking in Serbian] Coward. He placates these people, and why? Because they occupy our country?
- Miroslav Lokar: He's a politician, Bazda.
- Serb General: [In English] I welcome the announcement that NATO will leave the region.
- Bazda: He tells us to keep the Muslims at bay. Then he tells the world that we won't fire a shot.
- Miroslav Lokar: We can't fight everyone at once. Think. Less emotion. You'll live longer.
- Miroslav Lokar: [Stackhouse is being interrogated after he is captured by Serb troops] Are you alone?
- Stackhouse: Correct.
- Chris Burnett: [the Serb troops, along with Lokar, leave and Stackhouse is watched by Sasha. Burnett observes from a nearby hill and sees Sasha execute Stackhouse]
- [Yelling]
- Chris Burnett: NO!
- [Sasha looks at the hill where Burnett is. Knowing that he gave away his position, Burnett starts to run]
- Sasha: [Whistles to the nearby Serb troops and shouts in Serbian and begins shooting] There's another one!
- Bazda: [In Serbian] Fire on the hills!
- [Serb troops begin firing on Burnett as he escapes]
- Bazda: [Bazda accidentally steps on a mine as he and Sasha are looking for Burnett]
- [to Sasha and speaking in Serbian]
- Bazda: Help me.
- Sasha: [Pulls out his pistol and aims at Bazda and speaks in Serbian] Don't move. Be very still.
- Bazda: [as Sasha carefully walks off; speaking in Serbian] Help me! HELP ME!
- [Sasha shrugs at Bazda as Sasha leaves the area]