Unlike Mobile Suit Gundam I (1981), which was edited entirely from existing episodes and Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow (1981), which uses at least 30% of new animation; this adaption uses at least 70% of new animation.
Mirai Yashima is seen sewing a T Shirt. This T Shirt has the Nippon Sunrise logo on it (Nippon Sunrise is the production company behind the Movie).
As Tem Ray watches the battle outside of Side 6 in his workshop, parts for an unassembled Haro (Amuro's toy robot and Gundam's unofficial mascot) can be seen on one of the tables.
Became the fourth highest grossing film of Japan in 1982 with a box office gross at ¥1.29 billion.
At 2.3 billion yen in box office revenue, it holds the record as the highest grossing film in the Gundam franchise. It is expected to be surpassed by Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway (2021) in 2021.