This film takes up where its predecessor left off with the loosely knit organization known as the Tokyo Mafia led by "Ginya Yabuki" (Riki Takeuchi) at war with the powerful Yakuza organization over a small district of Tokyo known as Kabuki Cho. To that effect, realizing that they are no match against the overwhelming number of Yakuza members in that area, Ginya forms an uneasy alliance with two rival Chinese gangs to help him out. The problem, however, is that the Yakuza boss named "Morikawa" (Shohei Yamamoto) is a master of exploiting rivalries and knows that Ginya will have a difficult time keeping things together. Compounding that problem is the fact that there is a traitor in Ginya's organization who wants everything for himself--and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this movie was actually a little better than the first film in that the plot was less difficult to understand. To be sure, the plot was still rather intricate with shifting alliances, betrayals and surprising twists all along the way. But this film made it somewhat easier to figure out which character represented which organization. Likewise, helping in that regard was the fact that the special effects and the English dubbing were slightly improved as well. But that's just my opinion and other viewers might disagree. In any case, all things considered, I thought this film was slightly better than the original, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.