- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: For shame. You've sold to the devil. You have sold by throwing those puppies out into the cold.
- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: Doggone ya! That ain't kissing.
- [snatches halo from angel puppy's head]
- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: Ah, don't be a shnook, angel puss.
- [angel puppy snatches back his halo]
- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: Come down off the cloud. Why should he lose his happy home for them dopes, see?
- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: No!
- [punches devil puppy away]
- Swedish Housekeeper - Puppies: Those innocent babies, into the cold you've driven. Go, bring them back, and all will be forgiven.