Love animation, always have done from an early age and don't see signs of that stopping any time soon or ever, and really like to love many of the Noveltoons cartoons from Famous Studios. If more the better made/animated with fresher material 40s ones than those from the 50s, which was true for Famous Studios' overall output (which was seldom less than watchable and never really irredeemably bad, the worst of their 60s work was weak though) in general too.
Despite the rating here being low as of now, 'A Self-Made Mongrel' has always been an enjoyable cartoon to me. Liked it when younger, re-visiting it after finally remembering what the title was my feelings are the same. Not a masterpiece or great by any stretch, but has a good deal of great things (the usual great things with the Noveltoons) and a good representation of prime-period Noveltoons and Famous Studios too for that matter.
'A Self-Made Mongrel' may be narratively flimsy with not an awful lot of surprises. It has a little bit of a slow start somewhat too.
In my view too, the owner is not quite as interesting or as funny as Dogface, in fact when it comes to the characters although all engage Dogface is in a completely different league in the personality department.
The animation, coming onto the good, is bright and colourful with things moving fluidly and the background detail was clearly done with great precision. The music is energetic and lush, not just adding to the action but enhancing it too. 'A Self-Made Mongrel' has enough humour to satisfy, and it's humour that entertains. Dogface's wit is quite delicious.
Once it gets going, 'A Self-Made Mongrel' has a lot of energy that works perfectly with the eccentricity of the material and isn't bogged down by too much talk or anything. Really wished that Dogface got his own series and lasted longer, because he had enough personality and comic timing to last at least four cartoons and was great fun. Famous Studios regulars Jackson Beck and Jack Mercer do more than solidly, with Beck in particular having a blast.
Summing up, enjoyable. 7/10