Ultimate Lover is odd for an adult movie in that it actually has something of a plot. Tracey Adams and Nina Hartley star as two scientists who are jilted by their respective lovers and decide initially to build the ultimate vibrator. During the experimentation they realize that they both require physical contact during sex and so they build a robot around the "Monster" vibrator.
The sex scenes are above average and played more for grins than for lust or passion. The actor playing "Monster" does a good job as the emotionless tool who's trying to find the thing he's missing.
Most interesting are the scenes early on when Adams and Hartley are researching the perfect penis. Far from being the standard porn queens, they both take on more clinical personae that lend some credence to their scientist back-stories.
If the movie falls down anywhere it's at the end. Monster, now renamed Adam, is paired with female robot called Eve. The final sex scene, while sensual, lacks the payoff that the rest of the scenes seem to lead up to.
In all, Ultimate Lover is a gem among a genre of often poorly done and mediocre movies, definitely worth looking for.