Paige Witte credited as playing...
Mary Astadourian
- Mary Astadourian: [Looking at a horribly burned body at the Corroners] God I hate coming here.
- Joan Truitt: You know, so do I.
- Mary Astadourian: If you don't tell me what's going on I'm going straight to your Director!
- Craig Willmore: You do that and you'll be modelling in cheap stores by next week!
- Mary Astadourian: See you on the runway baby!
- Craig Willmore: [putting a big steel ball on the table] Have a look at this!
- Mary Astadourian: What is that?
- Craig Willmore: I don't know.
- Mary Astadourian: Well be careful with it!
- Craig Willmore: Relax.
- Mary Astadourian: It looks like an explosive device.
- Craig Willmore: Could be it's heavy enough.
- Mary Astadourian: Maybe we should call in a hazmat team?
- Craig Willmore: [smiles] Lets not jump the gun.
- Mary Astadourian: [Willmore starts to open the ball] WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?
- Craig Willmore: You really need to cut down to one cup a day. It's empty.
- Mary Astadourian: What is it?
- Craig Willmore: I don't know. But I know one very happy lab technician.
- Mary Astadourian: [Willmore goes to kiss her] Ahh we probably shouldn't do that. I mean I would love you to don't get me wrong. But we should probably wait till this case is wrapped before we go "tampering with the evidence."
- Mary Astadourian: [Willmore goes to kiss her, alternative respond] Wow, back up, backaroo! You need help, you know that? I mean, you're quite attractive but my mom told me not to go out with goverment men!
- Mary Astadourian: [Willmore goes to kiss her, alternative respond] No, no no no! Hah, I mean, you're nice guy but let's keep this professional, ok?
- Mary Astadourian: [Willmore points his gun when she comes around the corner] Whoa! Take it easy! It's me!
- Craig Willmore: I can see that! What are you doing here?
- Mary Astadourian: You kidding? After that message I wouldn't miss this for the world.
- Craig Willmore: Well you better be careful or he might run your ass raged!
- Mary Astadourian: I wouldn't mind that he was kinda cute.
- Craig Willmore: That's a lovely color on you.
- Mary Astadourian: Thank you. Let's just stick to business ok?
- Craig Willmore: [Alternate Responce] That's a lovely color on you.
- Mary Astadourian: [Sarcastic] Thank you! I picked it myself.
- Craig Willmore: [Alternate Responce, after a confontational meeting] That's a lovely color on you.
- Mary Astadourian: Why thank you Sgt. Kissass!
- Mary Astadourian: What can I do for you?
- Craig Willmore: Agent Willmore, FBI.
- Mary Astadourian: FBI? What's your interest in this case?
- Craig Willmore: I'm investigating two missing Agents. My investigation lead me to this warehouse, where there was evidence of foul play, including the blood of one of our missing Agents. I spotted Wong and asked him a few questions. He lied to me, now he's dead. No evidence on if there's a connection but I'm sure there is one.
- Mary Astadourian: Wow. I'll buy that. This case just went from routine to fun. Thanks.
- Craig Willmore: Anytime.
- Mary Astadourian: [Standing over Wong's dead body in the morgue] This is Agent Willmore, he questioned Wong yesterday.
- Joan Truitt: Hope you found out what you needed to know.
- Craig Willmore: How did you know we were FBI?
- Pretty Woman: Well who else would come looking for a Jane Doe?
- Mary Astadourian: That's a good point.
- Craig Willmore: Did you notice anything strange about him?
- Mary Astadourian: No I was too busy being thrown accros the room.