Christopher Lloyd credited as playing...
White Knight
- Alice: You don't seem to have much riding practice.
- White Knight: What makes you say that?
- Alice: You keep falling off your horse.
- White Knight: I've had plenty of practice at that, plenty of practice.
- White Knight: I see you're admiring my box. It's my own invention to keep sandwiches in. You see, I carry it upside-down so they don't get wet when it rains.
- Alice: But they can drop out. The lid is open.
- White Knight: So that''s what happened to my sandwiches.
- Alice: How can you keep talking when you're like this?
- White Knight: Like what?
- Alice: Head-downwards and body in the air.
- White Knight: What does it matter where my body happens to be? My mind goes on working just the same.
- White Knight: I hope you've got your hair fastened on tight.
- Alice: Only in the usual way.
- White Knight: Well, that's not good enough. The wind around here is as strong as soup around here.