Martin Short credited as playing...
Mad Hatter • Chinless Idiot
- Mad Hatter: I didn't know that. Personal remarks are rude?
- Alice: Mm-hmm.
- Mad Hatter: Egad, you learn something new every day. Make a note of that, Marchy. It might come in useful.
- [Alice arrives at the Mad Tea Party]
- Alice: I'm lost. Could I get some -- ?
- The March Hare: No room.
- Mad Hatter: There's no room.
- Alice: [indignant] There's plenty of room.
- The March Hare: Why didn't you report this sooner, Hatty?
- Mad Hatter: I overslept.
- The March Hare: [in an encouraging tone] Have some wine.
- Alice: [looking down the table] I don't see any wine.
- The March Hare: There isn't any. And you're too young.
- Alice: Then it wasn't very nice of you to offer it.
- The March Hare: It wasn't very nice of you to sit down without an invitation. This is a private soirée.
- Alice: Well, I suppose I shouldn't have just barged in. I know I wasn't invited. But the table was laid out for a lot of people.
- Mad Hatter: My response to that is both profound and meaningful. Get your hair cut.
- Mad Hatter: Now I have one for you.
- The March Hare: Ooh.
- Mad Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
- The March Hare: Why is a raven--?
- Mad Hatter: I'm not talking to you.
- The March Hare: Why not? Aren't I good enough?
- Mad Hatter: You've heard it before.
- The March Hare: But you were looking at me when you said "Why is a raven?"
- Mad Hatter: [angry] I'm asking Alice!
- Mad Hatter: [singing] Auntie's wooden leg...
- The March Hare: I say, I say, I say.
- Mad Hatter: How dare you interrupt my song with "I say, I say, I say"?
- The March Hare: I say, I say, I say, in this world it's not what you know, but who you know.
- Mad Hatter: I don't know either one of them.
- Mad Hatter: [singing] Twinkle, twinkle, little bat, / How I wonder what you're at / Up above the world so high / Like a tea tray in the sky...
- [trying to stuff the Dormouse into a teapot]
- Mad Hatter: I told you he wouldn't fit.
- The March Hare: Oh, he'll fit. We have to try harder.
- Alice: [thinking about the riddle] Um, Why is a raven like a writing desk? You know, I'm pretty sure I can guess.
- The March Hare: You mean you think you know the answer?
- Alice: Yes.
- The March Hare: Then you should say what you mean.
- Alice: Well, I do. At-at least-- at least I mean what I say. That-that is the same thing.
- Mad Hatter: It's not the same thing at all. You might as well say "I see what I eat" is the same thing as "I eat what I see."
- [a pie sprouts crab legs and crawls across the table]
- The March Hare: [eyeing the pie, picking up a fly swatter] You might as well say "I like what I get" as "I get what I like."
- [whacks the pie]
- The Dormouse: [talking in his sleep, then suddenly awake] Or you might as well say "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I breathe."
- [nods off]
- Mad Hatter: Well, it is the same thing with you.
- [chuckles]
- Mad Hatter: [looking at his watch] What day of the month is it?
- Alice: The fourth.
- Mad Hatter: Aha! Two days wrong.
- [glares at the March Hare]
- Mad Hatter: I told you not to use butter.
- The March Hare: It was the best butter.
- The Dormouse: Danish.
- Mad Hatter: Some crumbs must have got into it as well. I said, "don't put butter in the works with a bread knife."
- The March Hare: I couldn't put it in with a fork, could I? Here, let me see.
- Mad Hatter: I don't want to give it to you, but I will.
- [the Hare takes the watch and examines it; first by banging it on the table, and then by dipping it into his teacup]
- The March Hare: I don't understand it. It was the best butter.
- The Dormouse: Danish.
- The March Hare: [He tosses the watch over to Alice, who picks it up and studies it] Here.
- Alice: That's a funny watch. It tells the day of the month but not the time.
- Mad Hatter: Why should it? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
- Alice: No, because it stays a year for so long.
- Mad Hatter: Well, then I rest my case.
- The March Hare: Where?
- Mad Hatter: [points to a pile of suitcases] There.
- [breaks into laughter]
- The March Hare: I know when I'm beaten.
- Mad Hatter: Time marches on its stomach.
- [laughs]
- Alice: It's an army that marches on its stomach.
- The March Hare: Odd sort of army, marching on its stomach. I don't like the idea. Yuck.
- The March Hare: Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup.
- Mad Hatter: Is it blonde? We're missing a waitress.