Well, if the above sounds confusing to read then believe me, it's nothing compared to the actual film! Great Scott! - This is a completely hat-stand flick to put it as mildly as possible, but with the name Tomas Tang attached, it comes as frankly little surprise.
OK, so let me try to shed some light on what this is broadly about; An evil American working alongside the queen of the underworld (who appears courtesy of a completely different film of course!) hires a possessed Taoist priest to summon vampires in order to wipe out those who presumably oppose them. Okay.....but hold on; there's more! - You see, the forces of good are represented by a chap called Alex who when ever in danger transforms into - Tin Foil Wrapped, Silver Motorbike Helmet Wearing Warrior!......Well, OK, he isn't actually referred to as such, but the description is entirely apt nonetheless! Now throw into this mix a gambling champion called Steven and his buried gold, some ninja.....who are killed and then resurrected as vampire ninja and a completely odd series of scenes featuring a little boy who has an odd proclivity to dress up as a vampire and subsequently scare a little girl ghost (at least I think she was a ghost!). Yes, as you can well imagine, this is one hell of a bloody mess! On the other hand, much like the rest of Tomas Tang's/Filmark International's insane output, it is nonetheless strangely compelling in a manner not entirely dissimilar to that morbid curiosity one feels to have a gawp when passing a road accident in fact.