3 reviews
- Leofwine_draca
- Apr 23, 2017
- Permalink
I spent a few dollars on this DVD based on the only other review. Two actors names also caught my eye, Nancy Yen and Lung Tien Hsiang. Both did much better work at Shaw Brothers. I'd like to add there were some rather funny moments in the movie and some of them seemed actually intended to be funny. The fights on the floating logs reminded me of a few other Taiwan films. Make no mistake, the stuntman are really risking their lives. If one fell off a log and then they jammed together there would be no way to come up for air. I guess no one considered that possibility. One thing I'd like to add to the other reviewer's list. Acting skills - the ability to show "shocked surprise" is often the only acting ever required in one of these movies. Yes, the pan and scan was bad. Overall I give it a slightly above average 6.0 for fans of the genre only.