Convoy of Girls (1978)
* 1/2 (out of 4)
This Eurocine production is all over the map and who is who is just as confusing as anything else. The movie is credited to directors Pierre Chevalier and Jess Franco with Franco's name appearing first in the credits. Looking at the film there's nothing that really jumps out saying anything here was actually shot by Franco. I've seen over a hundred of his movies and usually some sort of trademark goes from one film to the next but I didn't see any of it here. With that said, Eurocine was known for having a director shoot something and then replace him the next day (or probably next hour) so who knows who really shot this thing. The movie centers on a German soldier and his Jewish girlfriend who are separated when Hitler demands his youth into action. The two eventually meet up a few years later as she was forced to work in a whorehouse after her father was caught hiding a Jewish woman. The German soldier then has a decision to make as he really loves her but he also loves his country. No matter who the director was this picture is pretty much a stinker from scene one to closing. From the credits at IMDb, this film borrowed footage from at least three other pictures and the print used here makes it fairly easy to spot the "alternate footage" because of the varying degree of the quality. For a naziploitation flick this thing is pretty tame and would probably get an R-rating without much trouble. The violence is very low with only a few whip scenes and the nudity is pretty low as well with most of the stuff being just topless women. I guess the lack of real nudity should be the first sign that Franco wasn't behind most of this as he surely would have laid that on. The story itself is just too weak, too stupid and has too many plot holes to really work but then again, people don't come to a film like this for a tender love story. The performances are all rather bland as is the direction and even the music score doesn't add anything. Fans of the genre would do themselves a favor by just skipping this one.