The film was originally produced as three episodes of an unsold anthology series of the same name, which would have followed the same format as Tales from the Crypt (1989), but focused on EC Comics' adventure and war stories, rather than on horror. When "Two-Fisted Tales" was not picked up, the three episodes were aired as a TV movie, as well as edited into three episodes of "Tales from the Crypt" despite the fact that they are not horror stories.
The only story in this film which was adapted from an EC Comic was "Yellow", which, though a war story, was not taken from "Two-Fisted Tales", but rather "Shock SuspenStories".
Title was taken from the comic book of the same name edited by Harvey Kurtzman and published by William M. Gaines. The comic book was an anthology of war stories, in sharp contrast to the stories of this film.
None of the stories in the film were adapted from the comic book "Two-Fisted Tales". "Showdown" shares a title with a story from issue 37, but in this film is a Western rather than a war story.
The Free Dictionary defines the term "two-fisted" as an informal categorization meaning "great vigor, energy, or enthusiasm: a two-fisted drinker; a two-fisted card player."