Mary Kay Bergman credited as playing...
Daphne Blake
- Velma Dinkley: [trying to find Shaggy and Scooby] I think we should split up.
- Fred Jones: Good idea!
- Daphne Blake: I'll go with Beau.
- Fred Jones: [frowning] Bad idea!
- Daphne Blake: [after a birthday surprise by the gang] I've been working so hard lately, I completely forgot today was my birthday.
- Fred Jones: I hope you don't mind. I asked the gang to come along.
- Daphne Blake: Freddie, it's the best birthday present ever. It'll be like old times.
- Daphne Blake: [Shaggy and Scooby get catapulted up out of the hole at the top of the room and then fall back in and land right in the arms of a Confederate soldier zombie, who makes a slight moan as Shaggy and Scooby gasp in terror] Shaggy! The zombies are the good guys!
- Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers: Like, are you out of your mind?
- [they hop out of his arms and run off]
- Fred Jones: [Daphne has knocked out a zombie and Fred tries to unmask it while she films] It's the gardener.
- Daphne Blake: No!
- Fred Jones: [tugs on the zombie's face some more] It's the fisherman.
- Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers: No!
- Fred Jones: [continues pulling] It's the ferryman.
- Scooby-Doo: No!
- Fred Jones: Maybe it's...
- [pulls the zombie's head off]
- Fred Jones: real?
- [tosses the zombie's head away]
- Fred Jones: Yaaaah!
- [Daphne catches the head then tosses it to Shaggy, who tosses it to Scooby, who then tosses it back at the zombie]
- Daphne Blake: I, I told you it wasn't a mask!
- Fred Jones: It, it must be animatronic!
- [the zombie gets up and screws his head back on]
- Chris: Ooh, stories like that always give me the heebie jeebies. Ooh! No wonder you became a reporter, that Moat Monster almost sliced you up like a pepperoni pizza, and then we wouldn't have Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake. Your very successful syndicated series on Americana, going on its second season, I might add? I never miss it!
- Daphne Blake: Thanks, Chris. You know, the real reason I changed jobs was because the monsters and ghosts always turned out to be bad guys in a mask.
- Chris: Got a little boring, eh?
- Daphne Blake: No kidding! In fact, that's why the gang went their separate ways. All except for Fred and me.
- Chris: She means Fred Jones, who's now the producer and one-man crew of Daphne's show. How about a shot of Freddie, guys?
- [the cameraman turns the camera to Fred who is standing backstage, who smiles and waves]
- Chris: Is he cute, or what?
- Simone Lenoir: The Harvest Moon will soon reach the midnight point on this moon dial. And then, the ceremony will begin!
- Fred Jones: What ceremony?
- Daphne Blake: You won't get away with this!
- Simone Lenoir: I've been getting away with it for 200 years!
- [she suddenly turns into a werecat and grins as they gasp in horror]
- Fred Jones: At least, Scoob and Shaggy are still free, maybe...
- Lena Dupree: I heard that, Fred! Those two simpletons? We didn't even bother making wax dolls of them. Waste of time and magic wax!
- Fred Jones: Just what do you intend to do with us?
- Simone Lenoir: Ah, it's simple. Every Harvest Moon, I must drain the life force from victims lured to my island, to preserve our immortality.
- Daphne Blake: This is more haunted stuff than I really wanted!
- Simone Lenoir: Sometimes, it became necessary for Lena to lure outsiders back to the island.
- Fred Jones: [angrily] Just like you lured us!
- Lena Dupree: I've had years of practice!
- Daphne Blake: And those zombies are just the poor souls you drained! They were just trying to warn us so that we wouldn't suffer the same fate they did!
- Simone Lenoir: Pretty smart for a television reporter.
- Daphne Blake: [opens the kitchen cabinet after hearing Shaggy and Scooby scream from the kitchen to see them shivering in it] Peppers, again?
- Scooby-Doo: Ruh-uh! Writing!
- Fred Jones: Writing? What writing?
- Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers: [points to a wall where a ghost scratched "GET OUT" into it] L-l-l-like, ghost writing! This place is haunted!
- Daphne Blake: What do we have to lose? It's the best lead we've had all day!
- Fred Jones: And that Lena is kinda cute.
- [Takes a bite out of one of his bénies with some of the frosting getting onto his upper lip]
- Daphne Blake: Fred!
- Fred Jones: I just meant she'd be very photogenic for our statement. Mmm.
- Daphne Blake: Right.
- [holds a handkerchief in front of him]
- Daphne Blake: Uh... wipe your upper lip, Romeo!
- Fred Jones: Hey we should do a segment on Lena's pecan pie Daph, it's supernatural!
- Daphne Blake: You are so corny!