Robby Benson credited as playing...
- Belle: [after finding out about the forgery Webster, Crane and LePlume made] I won't hurt you. Explain to me. Why would you do such a thing?
- Webster: We merely wanted yourself and our master to speak again.
- Beast: [to Belle] Stand aside.
- Belle: Let them go. I beg you.
- Beast: They betrayed me.
- Belle: Please! I can't bear to see them harmed.
- Beast: [composes himself] Very well. I will spare them. But if they ever step foot in this castle again they will have to answer to meif they ever step foot in this castle again they will have to answer to me.
- [grabs them to punish them]
- Belle: Please! But they didn't mean.
- Beast: [not wanting her to speak against him anymore] Silence!
- [throws them outside, banishing them from the castle grounds]
- Beast: And anyone found giving them comfort will be sorry!
- Webster: [as they leave in exile] Now where do we go?
- LePlume: Let us march forth into town!
- Crane: And beg for help.