Sweet Jesus, Preacherman (1973)
Tom Johnigarn: Eddie Stoner
Eddie Stoner : When I see an influential black dude tryin' to turn brothers on to jive-ass whitey handouts, I worry brother. Sam Sills is bad news.
Eddie Stoner : You dumb bastard. You're supposed to be hasslin' this pig. You get bought off by a couple of slices of ham.
Holmes : Why all this sudden concern for me?
Eddie Stoner : We on different sides of the streets, but, its the same streets.
Eli Stoner : You know, Eddie, I think you're outta your mind. I think you're crazy! You're just another dumb ass nigger.
Eddie Stoner : You call me nigger? Scum!
Eli Stoner : Scum, huh? You know, it sure would make you happy to get your hands on some of the green, wouldn't it?
Eddie Stoner : Just remember where you got it. From you're own people!
Eli Stoner : So what? You think anybody gonna look out for me if I don't look out for myself?
Eddie Stoner : Words out, Preacherman, whitey's gonna gun your ass tonight. Just warning you.