I have just had the chance to watch this series again after very many years and I was genuinely surprised at how well it has stood the test of time.I expected it to be corny and if I am totally honest,I really thought that I would give up on it early on as it didn't live up to the memory I had of it as a young lad.I am glad that the series proved me wrong.
I won't drone on about the story as I guess that you all know it so well.What I will mention is that the production values stand up very well indeed and the story races along, although it does drag at times when Robinson is looking back on his life.The series really comes into it's own when Robinson meets up with Friday,although it is late in the series when this happens.One thing that I will say is that you do wish that it was in colour as the locations look fabulous.
As the lead actor,Robert Hoffmann is impossibly handsome and suits the role very well.It is a bit of a surprise that he didn't become a major star after this.Friday is played with great charm by the actor who's name escapes me.I will give nothing away but although the series was aimed at the children's market there is plenty here for adults to enjoy.OK,so there are some flaws along the way including the most inept bunch of pirate's you will ever see in the last episode,but on the whole it is so well made that you can forgive any little niggles you may have.
I must say that in the penultimate episode there are scenes that will break even the most hard of hearts and they are done with much skill and dare I say it very well acted throughout.No words are needed,the actions and looks of the actor's say it all.The narration by Lee Payant fits the bill also.
This was a very pleasant surprise to me after all these years and it is a series that I could definitely sit through again.