A Planet Rock raiding party on Planet Ice finds itself trapped by an Ice force under the command of King Cryos traps them. As the two forces continue their dispute, they are interrupted by an unknown ship being shot down by an unknown force. One of the Rock miners, Graveheart, rushes over to the crash site to find Princess Tekla inside as the forces of Rock and Ice are destroyed by the unknown aggressors. Tekla bears an important message: the Beast Planet is coming and the worlds of the star system must unite to stop it.
Graveheart returns to his home world to try and encourage it to join the Alliance. Instead, he finds himself arrested for treason. Graveheart must rely on his childhood friend, Jade, to try and convince Rock to join the alliance. When Beast Drones attack the command center, Jade believes Graveheart and releases him to help repel the attack. In gratitude, Lord Mantel, leader of Planet Rock, grants Graveheart amnesty but refuses to join the Alliance and exiles Graveheart. Jade, however, joins Graveheart.
Graveheart and Cryos try to convince Prince Pyrus of Fire to join the Alliance but the Grand Vizier attempts to stop it by sending them through the Trial by Fire. As the two battle through the trial, Lazy Zera tries her own form of diplomacy with Pyrus by berating him when they are attacked by a group of Beast Drones. The attack convinces Pyrus to join the Alliance as Graveheart and Cryos finish the Trial by Fire.