When Dylan tells them to head towards the marina, there is already a set of tire marks on the road where they turn around in the tunnel, indicating multiple takes of the scene.
The bell is back in the tower after it already crashed down.
In the final fight, Alex wears high heels, then flat shoes.
When the agency blows up, the Angels are blown back in different directions. The three women would have landed several feet apart instead of side-by-side in a row on the same car's windshield. And thrown by an explosion, falling butt-first onto a car's windscreen, yet instantly walking away from that, unhurt, is stretching credibility beyond endurance.
When the girls are at the race track, in one shot you can see Lucy Liu flashing a bit of cleavage (when she's wearing headphones). Then shortly afterwards she's behind Corwin's car, and she's got a relatively high collared black T-shirt on.
The "Creepy Thin Man" fires twenty-three shots at the Angels using a Luger P08 pistol, which has a maximum capacity of eight rounds plus one in the chamber.
It would be physically impossible to open an exit door on a pressurized aircraft during flight unless the cabin was first depressurized.
When Dylan has escaped being shot through a window she comes to a house where two boys are playing video games. The game (Final Fantasy VIII (1999)) is a one player game, but they are playing with two controllers.
At the exotic dance club, Director #1 clearly is holding his beer bottle by his fingertips, and not touching it with his pinkie; Dylan's scanning device shows a full hand-print including his palm. Director #1 holds the beer bottle with his right hand; Dylan uses the fingerprint "glove" on her left hand. A sophisticated gel scanner would be able to distinguish the difference in the sequence and location of the fingerprints; a left handed print of the right-hand fingerprints would not work.
At the beginning of the film, the exterior shot is of a DC-9, a narrow-bodied aircraft. The interior is that of a wide-bodied aircraft, and the next exterior shot is of a 747.
When Knox shows Dylan the picture of his father in the army, we see him with his arms in the air and the other man covering his face next to him. When they close in on the man's name, there are fingers near his name tag, which weren't there in the larger scope of the picture. This is to show the tricks memory can play.
While it can be difficult, it is not physically impossible to hold on to a person when a parachute is released while skydiving. Skydivers often do this for fun, with the passenger leaping away from the carrier, and activating his own parachute. This is known within the skydiving community as a "Mr. Bill" skydive.
In the beginning of the movie, Jason takes a bite of Alex' muffins, and simply acts like they taste terrible. Yet when Alex brings the muffins to Dylan and Nat, the muffins are as hard as rocks. There must have been a passage of time.
While attempting to rescue Bosley, Natalie receives a phone call and says it's from Pete, before answering. The next shot shows Pete talking to her from a pay phone. Perhaps Natalie recognizes this particular payphone number, or Pete used a phone card with a number of his own.
In the alley fight, when the Creepy Thin Man gets flipped, his harness is clearly visible in the shot from above.
During the fight scene in the alley with the Creepy Thin Man, as he flips over and over, an up shot shows the ceiling of the sound stage it was being filmed in.
On the helicopter at the end, Lucy Liu is wearing high heeled boots in closeup shots (where we see it is Lucy) and on the further away ones, the stunt person is wearing flat boots.
There is a common misconception that USA law requires actors portraying military personnel to wear the uniform improperly ("out of uniform") so as to not be "impersonating" military personnel. This is simply not so. 10 U.S.C. 772(f) does authorize the wear of an armed forces uniform by an actor in a theatrical or motion picture production "if that portrayal does not tend to discredit that armed force." SCHACHT v. UNITED STATES was a Supreme Court case in 1970 which found the preceding quote unconstitutional. As such, actors may wear the uniform in a theatrical or motion picture production without fear that it must reflect well on the military. Short version: Any movies which depict improperly worn uniforms can't use this excuse. They simply goofed up.
When Natalie is casting a mold of Corwin's key, you can clearly see that there is already a mold before she casts it.
During the alley fight, the Creepy Thin Man lets out a yell that continues after his mouth has closed.
When the Angels first chase the Thin Man, the camera is reflected in the shiny metal door of the elevator.
A camera crane is momentarily seen to the left of the screen as the red car drives over a hauler and smashes into a Volkswagen van.
Natalie dances to "Baby Got Back" at the Soul Train place; she jumps off the stage and the camera's shadow can be seen.
The camera is reflected in Natalie's backpack on the beach.
When the Angels are first fighting the Thin Man in the alley and Natalie kicks him under the chin causing him to backflip, you can see the padding on the back of his jacket which is needed after the other two Angels then kick him into the chain link gate.
The bird that Natalie notes is not a pygmy nuthatch, is a troupial, aka a bugle bird, a native from Venezuela (their national bird actually); and the nuthatch is found throughout California, not just in Carmel.
During the race car scene, the Angels are at the California Speedway in Fontana, California. A few seconds later, the chase leads them to San Pedro, California, 70 miles away, where the Vincent Thomas Bridge is visible.
When Natalie is getting out of the Red Star mainframe room, it is shown that she is somersaulting and exiting while the door is closing. In the next shot when the door closes fully Natalie has simply disappeared. It would be impossible for her to get out of the airless chamber in such a short time gap.
When the three girls are at the drive-thru, they pull away from the ordering sign, pull up to the window, the guy hands them their bag of food and they drive off, without ever paying.
When the Angels are in Bosley's office and Charlie is introducing Eric Knox, the video of Eric Knox on the flat screen is reversed. "Boston" is reversed on his sweatshirt.